Thursday, 2 April 2015

Reader's Review: Rise Of The Grey Prince

Book: Rise Of The Grey Prince
Author: Arka Chakrabarti
Publisher: Srishti Publishers and Distributors
Genre: Fiction
Ratings: 4.0/5
ISBN: 9382665315
Number of Pages: 230
Review Date: 25th March 2015
Review on behalf of – Readers Cosmos
My Ratings: 4.5/5
Plot – 4/5
Characters – 4/5
Style – 3.5/5
Climax – 4/5
Cover Page – 5/5

To start with the Cover Page of the book, it gives an accurate image of the story line. I felt the cover page creates the suspense of the narration in the first look. This book is a continuation of the 1st book The Secrets of the Dark. So for the ones like me who did not read the first one, this one will fall apart here and there. However, complete justice done by the author that he has kept that in mind and avoided losing out on a group of reader base who had missed the first one. The story line had been supported by a good amount of background.

The revelation of Agni is mesmerizing; his search for knowledge about his very existence, his prodigy and the compulsions that he had to give in to in order to reach them has been narrated with a lot of passion. The description of Malini, his love has a lot of aggression and drama which has been beautifully described. Connecting the past to his Present is a tremendous work that the author has done here.

The topic a difficult one and the story line being a continuation of the first, there were places where the author created a whirlpool of thoughts. It could be a part of Arka’s pattern to keep the readers guessing at times or assumptions to play around his writing. The plot takes off gradually and unfolds as we read it and finally when the story is supposed to come to an end, there is suspense of open ended orator ship. This can be analyzed as both good and bad depending of the psyche of the reader. For me, it was a good read and the assumption of the story line at the end has given me a more settled thought about the author’s narration.

This Book review is a part of The Readers Cosmos Book Review Program and Blog Tours. For details log on to

Sunday, 1 March 2015

Reader Review: The Recession Groom By Vani

Book: The Recession Groom
Author: Vani
Genre: Fiction
Ratings: 3.5/5
ISBN: 9384226580
Number of Pages: 295
Review Date: 28th February 2015
Review on behalf of - The Readers Cosmos

My Ratings: 3.5/5
Plot – 3.5/5
Characters – 5/5
Style – 4/5
Climax – 4/5
Cover Page – 4/5

My Review: "The Recession Groom" is a onetime good read. The story is not very predictable. Author has done a good justice to the characters by portraying the stereotypical relationships in the Indian society of an extra affectionate aunt, the grandmother with a modern outlook, an obviously over protective sister and the over enthusiastic neighbors.
The story line is good. The narration is also interesting. The connections of time and place have been very well designed considering the different actions and mindsets of people involved.
The miss in this books are the illogical hard tries that the author has given in making location changes in a matter of 3 days, convincing the client of an IT MNC so easily, running behind the realized love without even knowing anything about her current situation and people being so engrossed in the situation of the subject that the Indian Man is the victim of all social obligations, very unlikely.
On the whole, a refreshing note of onetime read.

This Book review is a part of The Readers Cosmos Book Review Program and 
Blog Tours. For details log on to"

Thursday, 19 February 2015

What are we afraid of?

Fear of not doing or not being able to takes most of us in most we do. It the fear even a truth or even a worth to deal with and if it were would there be people killing it everyday to take the risk they want to. One thing is required to come to realisation and that one thing is either to kill the fear or get killed by it.
Fear of what others will think of you is the most common killer so far. Who has the ownership of being judgemental? Who has the submission to take on to the judgements given. No one can ever travel the journey of another to understand how much it takes for a person to overcome and be one self and not replicate an already existing someone else.
The fear of not having enough of - money or material. This journey of life to face the mirror at the grave has been planned alone. So face the mirror contented of the journey so far and wish you have lived more to do what you have loving to do and not to make the corrections of all the doings. Money and Material is not our friends to the grave, well no one is. At least live a fulfilled life trying to kill the fear of insecurity.
The fear of loosing a job is less about the job and more about the identity on line. First of all, if you are good enough, there should not be fear to loose. If there is the fear, you are not good enough. Work has to be done to get things on track. We do not have a job that offers us ultimate happiness, but if we are in one that offers us nothing it is time to kill the fear and look for a different one. If we are not finding one, we are not looking enough for the one we should be looking for.

The choices we are born with needs to be executed, the choices that we think we deserve are to be made by us. Someone else will not make our choices  for us and if someone else is doing that, then it is in their benefit and cannot be blamed. You are the one who have to face the fear and overcome it. You are one who have to fight your own battle if you want to be the one who wants to win the battle.

Saturday, 14 February 2015

Is it Valentine in our head yet????

Is it the day to celebrate love yet? A tacky celebration of retails and F&B does define the celebration of love with cards,flowers,dinner,drink and gift. That one day says it all. We start afresh, to encourage love in the months to come till next year. Will love bloom really and will all the sour go away with the tiny celebration of thanking one another of being there during the past times of high and low. Oh yes it will. Celebrating and cherishing the silent thankfulness of having one another in life.

However, it should not be a one day affair. A celebration not to post on the social networking, a celebration not because it is called Valentime's Day. Staying by and being there round the time is more of a celebration to thank one another on this day. That's when a celebration counts in.

Not everyone goes by retail hopping and online digging to show that one cares, at times it is about a comfortable time of lunch together or stopping by to blanket the disturbing pains. It could be thinking beyond ones own needs and comforts and offering to listen out the other one. It's about simply saying thank you for being there right then. It is about knowing that something has to be set right before it is too late. Knowing that there is a human heart which waits for an assurance that it is not too late yet.

Bug the Litterbugs !!

We Indians are an amazing group of people. We hate to be told what is correct and what is not, we do not appreciate directions, we do not definitely like to follow the good but take to the worse. In our school of mind we preach the vastness and diversity of this country and lazy that we are, we blame circumstances as the reason of the challenges that are not achievable.
We are highly and easily influenced people. Transformable, but only when we are under strict supervision. When in a country away from India, we make sure not to litter. The Soft drink cans go right into the bin and does not fall just outside the bin. Cigarette buds go into the ashtray of the car and not fly out of the car window; litters go into the litter bags and reach regularly to the safe abode of the litter collector and not the corner of the street by the lamp-post. That is us. These actions follow because we see people not littering, we see people following rules and we know that everyone is being watched by law and order.
Back home, we do the same things, follow the people around us. Since the heap of garbage lies at the corner street, I go there during the wee hours to add a little more to the heap. Who would notice (I am not being watched). The cigarette bud goes flying out of the car window, again everyone does that, I am just following, who would notice. The stinky wall by the pavement is the sign of men urinating on the wall, how another round would make a difference, we add to that. That is us……. Indians, very us.
Again, we keep our houses clean, the domestic help makes sure to broom and sweep without fail everyday. Cleanliness is next to Godliness as we know and follow. All the garbage from the last day lands outside the main gate of the house. Our house remains clean. Similarly, we do not litter the city we live in. The wrappers and tetra-packs, the cans and the food left overs go into a bin or a poly/paper bag in general. However, when we are tourists, be become decorative and more carefree and start littering as we do not belong there.
This is extremely sad. No one can correct us if we do not do it ourselves. We are required to be under the surveillance of our own conscience. We would have to make the effort to treat this country like to take the effort to clean our houses. We would have to take a step to stop the fellow litterbugs.
Litterbug should not be the ones who litters around, litterbugs should be the people who bug the ones who litter around. How about picking up the wrapper from the street and putting it in the pocket of the one who threw it on the street. Or, picking up the banana peel and throwing it back into the car. May be this will make them realize where they are going wrong and they are being monitored, if they are not. Why not take this initiative to be the bugs for the ones who litter around???

Thursday, 5 February 2015

Man Enough

At the juncture of this era where we find everything conveniently breaking apart, there are times in life we feed a hope on the Men-kind to be man enough to put one thing together for us. It is the hope of giving him the place where I force myself to believe in him in spite of all odds. He is the superior, awarded by the society, not because he proves to be one but because he is born to be a man. Is it so? Is it just being born with an intromittent organ that lets a man take one step forward in the society?
He is predictable, he is all of himself most of the time, he is all about his whims and fancies the other times but is he man enough to prove to her that all men are not the same. I know men who are predictable, all of themselves most of the time, all about the whims and fancies the other times yet they are man enough to stand by if not always stand up. Courage is always required to fight a war. But this is no war…this is existence, compassion and to abide with the faith your woman offers her all to you with. It is being simply man enough.

Relationships are ignorant. While one makes it a habit to forget and forgive, the other lives in whim of being the superior and hence not a subject of complaint. If a man does not own up the responsibilities, there is no point in chasing him to bring about a realization. This is where I come to conclude when I look into the situation of one of my closest person. A day in her life goes to prepare herself to be up to the mark to fit his fancies, the other day goes engrossed in his thoughts and yet another day goes to make things ready to perfection and wait for his homecoming for a small span of time. Oh!! That is all he has to offer her from his long stretched vacations allocated completely for the rest of the people associated with him. That is all she gets.

Is it a man thing to be ignorant of the values he gets from his surrounding? Well no, not always because there are women who are blessed with a man so consumed in her, so complete with her and so cherished by her. Or is it the woman who lures a man to be the way he is. Men are soluble elements and that is why they are passed on from a mother to a partner to a wife and to a daughter. Is it his nature to adapt that often leaves him unaware and untouched about the episodes that is building and breaking the woman he is with. He is the one who is broken by one woman and passed on to the other to mend and mold. Who made him the superior? It is definitely the woman who hisses on his capabilities to destroy him with all her coy and again gives him the love, care and respect to build himself as the wall of the fort.

Relationship is indeed truly ignorant….. a puzzle that we view through the colorful kaleidoscope.

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Book Review: Rapescar by Gaurav Sharma

Book: RAPESCARS...They never heal
Author: Gaurav Sharma
Genre: Fiction
Ratings: 4.5/5
ISBN: 9788192982748
Number of Pages: 150
Review Date: 3rd February 2015
Review on behalf of - The Readers Cosmos

My Ratings: 4/5
Plot – 5/5
Characters – 5/5
Style – 4/5
Climax – 4/5
Cover Page – 4/5

My Review: "Rapescar" is a different stroke by Gaurav Sharma. It is encouraging if society learns a lesson from the plot. We often get carried away by how often we get to hear about Rape. At times we protest, we write, we participate for causes, at times we criticize the system and get traumatised by the way our society is restructuring into new insecurities.
Gaurav has written this book beyond every classified and stereotypical thoughts. Hence I had mentioned that this book could be a lesson to fight back.
A Rape happens generally the way the victim gets into the vicious cycle. 
The story takes off only after the incident.
The girl does not shy out, the family does not break down, a lawyer pillars the required strength and the victim punishes the culprit to invoke a realisation of the mistake and repent for it.
Isn't this an ideal social framework? If this is our learning, if this is what the society encourages us to do, the numbers would o down, the panic of living a victimised life would go away and the courage to fight for oneself will arise.

The writing is crisp, detailed yet not vandalised. The plot is extremely different, practical and not imaginative. Often in the courtroom acts of our society, sexual norms are more broadly differentiated where the victim gets victimised publicly and the culprit gets to stand there and have the virtual repetition of his elated act.The forum performance in the courtroom, the details of medical steps and the brutal face of law has been beautifully described.

There has been flaws in the editing with regards to the dates and grammar here and there, however, the intense of the story will keep the audience concentrated to what is going to happen next.

On a whole, this is a good read, a lesson to Change our mind about what we frame the episode of Rape to be. 

This Book review is a part of The Readers Cosmos Book Review Program and 
Blog Tours. For details log on to"