Monday 16 September 2024

Alone or Lonely ??


Everyone says I’m not alone, so why do I feel like I am?

Friendship, relationship & situation-ship are all circumstantial. As human beings, we often perpetuate from an end of having too many friends to another end of having none. We enjoy both, we despise both and we are comfortable with both the terms. Does age, experience and distance have something to do with it? I am not sure, but at this point in life, a lot of outward relationships are either a happy blur or a comfortable clear.

I grew up in a conflicting nuclear family of 4 members, conflicting because our guest room was never vacant, because we never really were just us as a family and there were always people in and out. That could be a reason why some of us often do not look for outward relations if there is so much happening in the living room & backyard.

My growing up years were constant mobile life with a dozen change in schools & hence friends. It was like adding a handful of fruit loops to the bowl once the existing fruit loop in the bowl settles into the warm milk. I knew I could not manage them all but had the bowl full anyways and always. This constant mobility, now I feel, always made me switch on the reptilian brain trying to survive, detecting threat and being alert about the changes in life. These changes often do not let me relax, let me trust the surrounding and confide to the people I meet. Best friends remain a myth from then on.

Not to be judged as an absolute looser of a narcissist, I have made friends who are close and chime...…some stayed while some fell through the cracks. Some friends during these journeys went in our separate ways and never grew apart. Hence, my closest friends are evidently far away. We are OK with that because that’s how life happened. We generalised being far away. We became comfortable with separation and before we realised, we looked forward to the relationships we built around our disconnected lives. We are disconnected like our mobile phone services, which we continue from where we left when the connectivity is back. Lovely, immaculate and wonderful.

On the other hand, with people around me, I don’t click on small talks, birthdays, children and societal pressure of the forbidden topics. We don’t connect at a deeper level with masks of superficiality and confirmation bias. Then comes the problems called social media which are symptoms of greater issue, rather than the cause where my surrounding devours themselves in front of filtered lenses to capture the perfect selfie. I simply & apologetically choose to remain in the glory of my own solitude.

Tough times often make us stoic and a fiercely independent person.  We don’t align to a group of hyper-polarised people who forces high levels of conformity and docility. I cannot discuss endless diets, fasting, podcasts, self-love, self-care & fitness regime. Every judgement, from this point onwards, manifest 10-fold making it impossible for me to connect, be vulnerable, or feel an emotional closeness with these individuals around. Who will ever again talk about empathy, books they read, art they do, a real movie, food, a small adventure, a big plan, some heart-breaks, some healthy gossips, and some ambiguities of life.

Where are these people living, scattered around the world, in their own corners?

Every one of us who feels they are alone are truly together.

Monday 22 July 2024

Lessons learned after my forty years of experience:

40's are turning out to be the most liberating years of my life. Revelations of looking at things from completely different perspectives, managing relationships, drawing clear lines and stepping away to analyse – I wish I was in my 40’s a few decades & a handful of mistakes ago.

Lessons learned after my forty years of experience:

1.      Make peace or walk away – With everything and everyone. There are just 2 ways to inner peace.

2.      I cannot change people – Advises, lectures, grey hair talks do not work. It is not my responsibility to bring about betterment in other’s life. Trying to play God and save the world will not bring about any change in my life. The moment you try to convince someone, you have lost the plot. The truth does not require persuasion, coaxing, or coercion—it is the truth whether you’re convinced or not.

3.      Parents will never understand – generations together, no parents will understand their children and children will never understand their parents. I have started addressing my feelings to my immediate family, not expecting any changes but letting them know. The decision to stop generational trauma, and stop being the same parents is for my future of change

4.      Siblings are just an extension of parents – there is no point in draining the peace over family. There is no end to what can be done for them and there is no visible light at the end of the tunnel.

5.      Friends are not forever – we will always make friends on the path of life, some friends will stay, some will move on. Always know who is who in the “forever friends” and continue.

6.      Relatives and rodents – both are great when they are in the other side of the glass box. They are visitors, there is not much thought on them.

7.      Embrace the changing time – Acknowledge that the worst time will pass, the good time will pass too. Just because we don’t agree with a situation, does not mean it is wrong.

8.      “It is our culture” translates to “It is our ego” – I will continue being volatile, upholding and ready to work on adopting to the surrounding. There is nothing called culture – what is right and what is wrong are completely human made, personal, situational & a perspective.

9.      Religion is not a DNA configuration – Religion is not a hand down from our parents, it is a belief system that brings inner peace to an individual in whatever way I choose.

10. Let Go – Material to toxic relationships, just let go. Liberate & breathe.

11. Decluttering does not work – Stop cluttering in the first place. Every time I pick up something, I have started asking myself why I need it. If I don’t have an answer, I put it back.

12. Organising is well placed hoarding – I have come to an age where I just keep things simple, clean and organised. Over organising, labelling, and colour coding is more hoarding of things that will go into the boxes and never come out.

13. Love people and use things – I have started valuing time people spend with me & the happiness of their company; over gift they buy and the noise they create.

14. Minimalism is crap – Getting rid of excess stuff can be freeing and even exciting, but it isn’t inherently meaningful. Freeing up space will not bring about achievement into the newfound space. Fill in the gaps with goodness, beautiful things and build a happy place.

15. Scrolling is the new smoking – I have started walking few feet away at a time, from the technology bound zombie surrounding by not continuously scrolling. We don’t want to see, know or read advice, affirmations and virtual hugs. Let’s have real conversation.

16. Money is material – I need money more than anything, but not for everything. There is no rainy day that money can save. Self-care is important as much for the body as for the soul. Stacking money in the bank is liability, spending it in meaningful hobbies and multiplying it is what will keep me in the game.

17. Advertisement is the poison – Don’t live in the pressure to advertise power, position, and possessions. This disturbs the peace; it is as vicious as pushing oneself into over-consumption. It indoctrinates our surroundings, gives rise to politics, fuels hatred, fake news and loses sincerity in relationship.

18. I am not the fixer for all – The more I try to fix, more things will change its original form. If the problem is me, I will eliminate it, not fix it. If the problem is someone else, I will not try to fix it.

19. Conditional love – is the truth. There will always have to a return of my love with things that are not purchased.

20. Success does not exist – Success comes from succession, that which we get without chasing. A job, a promotion, assets, money – does not define success as it is chased through hard work, suffering and failure. There is no end to the chasing game; there is no end to what the ultimate definition of success will be.