Saturday, 14 December 2013

Book Review: Karna's Wife

Book:    Karna’s Wife

Author : Kavita Kane

Publisher : Rupa Publishing

Genre :  Mythology

Ratings : 5/5

ISBN : 9788129120854

Number of Pages: 318

Review Date:  14th December 2013

Review on behalf of - Self

My Ratings:

Plot – 4.5/5

Characters – 4.5/5

Style – 5/5

Climax – 4/5

Cover Page – 4/5

My Review:

This is one of the most logical mythologies that I have read in times to come. 

While Mahabharata has been the narration of Lord Krishna, the Pandavas have always received the front row. In this book author has researched well to why the otherwise happened in the Mahabharata. Author has put in an effortless storyline from her detailed research in order to link all the characters and stages of occurrence in their life. She defined and dissected the caste system, the social setup from birth of a child to death of a man has been portrayed for the different characters, both men and women. 

This is the story of Karna as narrated by his Princess wife Uruvi, who followed her heart to break the caste system norms during that time of the society to marry him. The author exhibited his righteousness, his glorifying sense of responsibility, his compassion for friendship, family and brotherhood. His love for his wives and devotion for the destruction of the Pandavas were beautifully narrated. In this book author described how in the name of Dharma, situation twisted and turned to invoke the Karna we know in Krishna's Mahabharata. She has invoked the reason why the Kauravas were the bad ones and what led them to be the bad ones, why the righteous Karna joined the Kauravas and why the Pandavas went through what they went through.

She also portrayed how women in the epic society ran the show, rather ran the dynasties without being crowned as rulers. She has put in an amazing effort to bring out the strong yet silent heroes of the devastating Kurukshetra war - Kunti, Draupadi and Uruvi. From Karna being adopted as a sutaputra to the dice game at hastinapur, from Karna's enemity with Arjuna to his unconditional friendship with Duryodhona all has been portrayed from the view of Uruvi, his wife.

This plot is crisp, mythological aspect has strongly been backed up by facts and reasons and the descriptions are complete and clear. Karna heroic deed has been highlighted very well.

1 comment:

  1. With my sudden craze for Mahabharata I decided to buy this book and it was a nice read with many interesting and unknown facts (for me). Flipkart was super fast with the delivery and packing was excellent as usual.
