Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Chemical Happiness !!

As we grow up, we start growing older.We start taking more time thinking of doing something which we would do without a single 2nd thought when young . We come across situations that slow us down. Some episodes pass our lives like a wind, some come into our lives and quickly leave. Some episodes make sure to stay for a while and leave footprints on our life forever. All these things change us with the passing time.

We gradually get to learn that the one person who we believed would not let us down, probably will do so and leave us heartbroken.  Every single time it will break harder than before. As the clock ticks its time, happiness returns and you realise that it had never left you at all. It was forgotten unnoticed in one corner, waiting to be picked back by you. Happiness, after all, is the hidden wildness in you, too wild to be tamed by anyone and more wild for someone to snatch it from you and run away.

Happiness is the identity of a person. Your reaction, behaviour, madness and love is catalysed by your happiness. It brings out the best in you and helps you blend with the person with the same amount of chemical imbalance that you have. That- is your soulmate.Cherish the moment of having one since everyone does not get lucky enough to have someone that makes saying goodbye a very difficult task.

1 comment:

  1. everyone does not get lucky enough to have someone that makes saying goodbye a very difficult task ~ so true..
